+ What are Sisterlocks?

Sisterlocks™ is a natural hair management system that creates tiny style-able locks. It allows women with tightly textured hair to take advantage of a wide range of today's hairstyles without having to alter the natural texture of their hair or add any products or heat.

+ Can I get Sisterlocks if I have relaxed hair?

Yes, Though the transition will take more time, your hair care professional who is trained in Sisterlocks techniques can help you make that transition. Your styling options will increase as your natural texture grows out.

+ Can I change my hairstyle?

Yes! Sisterlocks™ is a lot less limiting than extensions because it is your natural hair. You can curl it, braid it, wear a ponytail, cut it, spray or mousse it, wear bangs and parts - You name it!

+ Can Sisterlocks be taken out?

Technically, yes, though the procedure is so tedious, you will not want to get Sisterlocks™ with that intention. Anyway, once you discover the range of freedom with Sisterlocks™, you won't want to go back! Finally, there is a way of celebrating the natural beauty of our hair with Sisterlocks™!

+ How long does it take to do Sisterlocks?

Sisterlocks™ is offered as a package of 3 services: the consultation, the locking session and the follow up retightening. The consultation is about an hour, and we will be discussing what you have been doing with your hair and how that will be different with Sisterlocks™. We will also put some sample locks to give both you and I an idea of how your hair may behave in the locks.

The locking session may be 20hrs or more depending on the length of your hair. There must be 2-4 weeks between the consultation and the locking session to give you time to shampoo twice.

The follow-up retightening is a complete retightening and is scheduled 3-4weeks after the locking session. At this time we will determine your regular maintenance interval, correct anything as needed, and reinforce your at home post care habits.

Consultation instructions: Please come with your hair shampooed and with no styling products. Do not blow dry or use any oils or leave-in conditioner. The hair must be in its natural state.

+ Have more questions? Check out our Terms & Conditions.

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